Software Products



Provox Operator WorkStation

POWS is a complete collection of software used in Provox control systems. When combined with Windows, POWS provides a strong environment for controlling processes. Users can choose its server-client or standalone version. In server-client mode, one server and six clients are used as operator stations within the network while in standalone mode only one computer is used as operator and engineering stations.

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  • Can be installed on Windows
  • Easy installation and maintenance
  • Does not need old/special computer systems as it can be installed on PCs
  • Capable of extracting data from DCS and transferring to other nodes through LAN connection
  • Display of historical trending on operator stations
  • Event Journal for analysis of alarms and events
  • Simultaneous monitoring of several process displays
  • User-friendly interface
  • Mouse and keyboard can be simultaneously used for process display and control
  • Provides a list of all available displays in the process unit
  • Simultaneous viewing of two Faceplate or Instrument Area windows
  • Simultaneous display of two trends
  • Troubleshooting and maintenance display for quick removal of faults
  • Compatible with different versions of windows
  • Customizable based on the standards and demands of operation units
  • Quick response during crisis and emergencies in operation units
  • Compatible with touchscreens
  • Can be installed and launched on tablets and portable devices

POWS Versions:

1- Networked Console

This version includes independent applications for server and client computers

OS choices for Server:

Windows Server 2012

Windows Server 2008

Windows Server 2003

OS choices for Workstation:

Windows 10

Windows 8.1,8

Windows 7

Windows Vista

Windows XP

2-  Standalone Console

This version requires only one computer which functions as both operator and engineering stations.

OS choices for Standalone POWS:

Windows 10

Windows 8.1,8

Windows 7

Windows Vista

Windows XP

